The Void

The Void

There will be times when your effort is rewarded.

There will be times when there is a direct & immediate correlation between what you put in and what you get out.

There will be times when the harder you work, the luckier you get, and the returns compound.

And then there will be times when you’re busting ass, working harder & longer than you ever have before, and nothing happens.

You will feel like you’re standing still.

You may even feel like you’re moving backwards.

It will feel like a vacuum. Sucking all of the effort and life out of you for what seems like nothing.

I call this The Void.

It may last only a day, perhaps a week, sometimes a month, but more often than not, years.

Which is why most people quit when they find themselves in The Void.

Too much input. No output.

Too much effort. No reward.

Too much time. No progress.

So what do you do when you find yourself in The Void?

1. Keep going. Focus on how far you’ve come. Not how far you may have to go. Don’t you dare give up.

2. Reframe the reward. Focus on how much you are developing as a person through the process. Focus on how you are evolving through the effort you are expending. Don’t you dare give up.

3. Don’t you dare give up.

The Void will always last longer than you want it to, but it won’t last forever.

It too, shall pass.

And on the other side of The Void is everything you’ve been working for, and so, so, so much more.

But you can’t give up.

Not now. Not ever.

Don’t you dare give up.

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